This is a list of fictional characters appearing in the Japanese manga series Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches by Miki Yoshikawa. The seventh witch with the ability to erase the reminiscences of anyone who knows her title. In the manga and anime collection, she isn’t known to be a member of any golf equipment, although in the OVA’s, she’s on the cheerleading group. The third witch to be revealed, meeting Yamada at a make-up examination that they assist one another to move. She has the ability of telepathy (she can talk telepathically with anyone she kisses). Urara Shiraishi is the principle feminine protagonist from the Yamada-kun to Nananin no Majo anime and manga.
with Ito to retract. However, as soon as he’s in her footwear, he finds that
Shiraishi as members. At the end of the day, they meet to debate the problem at hand and discovers that it’s not the collision that swaps their bodies however a mere kiss. Relieved that they can swap our bodies again so easily, they proceed to go about their day. It is at this moment that Toranosuke Miyamura, vice president of the student council, provides to go on a date with Urara after being suspicious about their actions. Still having their bodies swapped, the two discover that Miyamura knows their secret after which presents them both to revive the Supernatural Studies club of their college in order to change locations secretly.
Yamada-kun and the seven witches
Odagiri and the Seventh Witch got the time they needed, all the other
They then head to their room to choose and begin training on what they want to carry out. She is asked to do some acts together with card towers and magic tricks, the latter exciting the remainder of the membership a lot to her confusion. After hours of other suggestions they lay on the ground, nonetheless not having nothing to perform.
she doesn’t emote very much with her voice, no much less than not most of the
But Urara tells her that she doesn’t want to be held like that until the person is basically Yamada. The second witch to be revealed, she is the opposite vice-president of the coed council and thus Miyamura’s rival during the president run. Her power is that she will make anyone she kisses fall in love with her and do her bidding.
The collection has been licensed for North American release by Kodansha USA, who began releasing the series in 2015. Mainly with Yamada, however there might be some romance with another characters as well. Yamada is a highschool woman who’s greatest described as oversexed, flirtatious and lustful. She is particularly useless and is unabashed in flaunting her looks in public. Her goal in high school is to have intercourse with 100 guys; nevertheless, her insecurities as a virgin causes her to turn down any advances.
Television drama
him keep in mind if her power works and his memories are erased and sure
The picture is deleted and Yamada intends to undo the appeal over
Urara informs Ryu that she will be able to do his report in the meanwhile, asking him to wash for her. After switching bodies she does his report and finishes it, meeting up with him within the halls. In their room Miyabi states on what a nice bath they had, along with her agreeing, she then checking her baggage. Later with the others, they suddenly realize they nonetheless have to have a efficiency. Hearing the band on the tv, Ryu realizes that they’ll copy it to win, she notes that they need seven members. Ryu then suggest they want to get three more to help them, incomes her praise.